Euthynnus alletteratus, common name bonita, bonito, false albicore, or little tunny, is a small, abundant member of the tuna family. Due to its dark, strongly flavored oily flesh, bonita is not generally considered good eating, and is more commonly used as bait. However, it is popular in some parts of […]
Commonly Caught Fish in Cape Coral
Lutjanus griseus, common name grey snapper but also called mangrove snapper, is a marine fish indigenous to the western Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico. ‘Griseus’ comes from ‘gris’, the Latin word for grey and refers to the fish’s overall underlying greenish grey coloration. There is usually a reddish tint […]
Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorous maculatus) is one of several similar looking mackerel species found here in southern Florida. They’re often mistaken for each other due to their similar coloration and shape but there are ways to tell them apart. Would The Real Spanish Mackerel Please Stand Up Like most mackerel, Spanish […]
The red grouper is an attractive dark red fish with light spots along its sides and a pinkish underbelly. Scientifically red grouper goes by the name Epinephelus morio, and is a non-migratory fish that likes excavating and living on coastal sea floors. It can reach 4 feet in length, about […]
Sharks are fascinating creatures! They are all classified as Chondrichthyes, which means they have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. Here in Florida we have a number of shark species including Hammerhead, Bull, and Blacktip. In fact, Florida is home to some of the biggest populations of sharks anywhere […]
The king mackerel is one of several species that go by the common name of kingfish around Florida. Its scientific name is Scomberomorus cavalla, and it is the largest species in this genus. Young king mackerel can be mistaken for cero and Spanish mackerel. All three have a blue-green back […]
As its name suggests, the Goliath Grouper is a giant of a fish found in the Gulf of Mexico. Its scientific name is Epinephelus itajara. Other common names include giant seabass, a clue that they belong to the sea bass family. Adult goliath groupers can reach lengths of over 8 […]