This has been a very busy couple of weeks. Fishing charters have been going in full force, and the final details are getting completed on the new boat. The fishing charters have been consistent with snook, sharks, mackerel, and lady fish. The tarpon fishing has been hit or miss. Seems […]
Cape Coral Fishing Reports
Spanish mackerel (Scomberomorous maculatus) is one of several similar looking mackerel species found here in southern Florida. They’re often mistaken for each other due to their similar coloration and shape but there are ways to tell them apart. Would The Real Spanish Mackerel Please Stand Up Like most mackerel, Spanish […]
The red grouper is an attractive dark red fish with light spots along its sides and a pinkish underbelly. Scientifically red grouper goes by the name Epinephelus morio, and is a non-migratory fish that likes excavating and living on coastal sea floors. It can reach 4 feet in length, about […]
0500, alarm clock rings, in a groggy haze its time to get out of bed and feel my way through the dark bedroom to the bathroom. The night prior I lay my clothes out in order, from underwear to hat, so I can put them on without light. I quickly […]
April’s fishing charters started with ups and downs, the first few days brought in amazing fishing to include tarpon, snook, huge schools of mackerel and lady fish. Then a cold front came through and slowed things down big time for a couple of days. After the front we were still […]
The end of March has brought a wide variety of fish being caught. Recent fishing charters have caught tarpon, snook, redfish, lady fish, spanish mackerel, mangrove snapper, sharks, trout, and barracuda. The last week was a whirlwind with one fishing charter after the next. One of my more memorable trips […]
Sharks are fascinating creatures! They are all classified as Chondrichthyes, which means they have skeletons made of cartilage rather than bone. Here in Florida we have a number of shark species including Hammerhead, Bull, and Blacktip. In fact, Florida is home to some of the biggest populations of sharks anywhere […]
March 14th – 19th was a week of nonstop fishing charters. This weeks fishing charters covered a little bit of everything. Most of the trips began working huge schools of ladyfish and trout. This is fun action packed fishing as the fish are chasing bait to the surface of the […]
The middle of last week brought a cold front that cooled the area off for a couple of days and changed the fishing some. The cooler temperatures of last week did not cool off the fishing, and did not stick around long. We have warmed up again nicely, taking full […]
Southwest Florida has been absolutely being spoiled with perfect warm temperatures, light winds, and no rain to begin March. Each morning has started easily cast netting beautiful bait before returning to the dock to pick up my clients for the day. Once the clients are on the boat the fishing […]