We have finished off the year with some excellent fishing charters. The wind and cold fronts have both lightened up so we can welcome in the new year with temperatures in the low to mid 80’s. The bait of choice over the last couple of weeks has been shrimp. Shrimp […]
Yearly Archives: 2018
The water temperature is dropping fast while Southwest Florida is getting cold front after cold front push through. The high winds kept me off of the water a couple of days this week. When I did get out for fishing charters this week the approach was completely different then it […]
Blue Line Fishing Charters offers gift cards towards any of our charters. A charter is an excellent gift for anyone who enjoys being outdoors in Southwest Florida. We cater inshore and offshore fishing charters to all interest and skill levels. If you have a trophy fish to mark off of […]
The weather has cooled down some, leaving us with high temperatures in the 80’s, the water is crystal clear, and the bait is plentiful. We have had some excellent fishing weather and the fish are not disappointing either. Ventured into the Caloosahatchee river a coupe of times this past week. […]
On Saturday November 11th, I was invited by a long time friend to do something I’ve always heard about but never tried before. He picked me at 530 in the morning with no boat, two rods, and a handful of lures. We drove to the far northwest end of Cape […]
The weather is warm, our water is beautiful, and the fish are biting. The fishing was phenomenal over the last week. The bait was plentiful and healthy, allowing us to target many different species that have moved into our waters from offshore. On a couple of different trips we targeted […]
The trip started before sunrise on Thursday morning. We picked up our friends Beth and Rj and got on the interstate heading north. It was a fun road trip with our friends, the long drive was broken up between four drivers making it go by fast. We got to our […]
With the coast finally being red tide free, the bait moved into town in full force. Following the bait are large schools of lady fish, mackerel, jacks, and triple tail. There were fish and bait all over the place making fishing a lot of fun this time of year. With […]
Overall the fishing was good last week. I was able to get out and fish for fun for two days with long time friend Capt RJ Hagewood. We were all over the place doing some tournament pre-fishing. We both had different tournaments later in the week. The bait was good […]
Spent a lot of time on the water last week and caught a lot of fish. There are still some signs of red tide around but they can easily be avoided. Great news is the bait stayed alive each day everywhere I went. One day the focus was on snapper […]