November started to bring some cold fronts into our area and had the fish on the move. Redfish were plentiful throughout the month and were caught everywhere from the mangroves to offshore wrecks. Sea trout, mackerel, and lady fish were caught throughout the month while working the deeper edges of the sand bars and oyster bars using spoons and jigs.

When the wind allowed us to get offshore the fishing was very good. Fishing charters caught a lot of snapper, and grouper off of the offshore wrecks.
The occasional cobia would swim through while fishing, and while running to or from fishing spots we saw and caught some really nice sized triple tail.
Late November the fish started moving towards their winter time patterns leading to shrimp fishing around docks and catching plenty of sheepshead, and black drum.
With Christmas right around the corner don’t forget to call today and get your loved one a gift card for a day that they will never forget.